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Designer Babies Are Teenagers Now—and Some of Them Need Therapy Because of It newsthirst.

In these homes, a high value gets placed on achievement. I think the way these kids are created sends the message: “You’re not good enough. You need to achieve. You’re not accepted.” When the kids struggle, it’s especially devastating. Some kids have disabilities from being born preterm, which used to be a big risk with…

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Macron visits Mayotte as thousand still missing after storm newsthirst.

BBC’s Mayeni Jones witnesses ‘complete devastation’ of Mayotte Landing over Petite-Terre, Mayotte’s smaller island, the level of destruction from Cyclone Chido is immediately apparent. It’s hard to exaggerate just how completely devastated the landscape is in this French Indian Ocean territory, after the storm tore through the islands on Saturday. Rolling hills previously covered in…

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