Rohit Shetty is gearing up for his upcoming Diwali release, Singham Again. However, the filmmaker had to witness certain modifications by the CBFC (Central Board of Film Certification), by removing 7.12 minutes of footage from the movie. The Indian censor board made several cuts including Simmba’s flirting scene, Bollywood Hungama reported. (Also read: Singham Again trailer gets a shorter fan-edit. Fans debate which one is better)
CBFC objects to Ramayan references in Singham Again
The CBFC made many cuts about mentions related to Lord Ram, Sita and Lord Hanuman from Ramayan. A dialogue where Arjun Kapoor’s character Zubair compares himself to the demon king Raavan has also been censored. The producers agreed to the changes and received a U/A certificate on Monday. A look at the following changes suggested by the CBFC.
Ramayan characters references
A 23-second sequence juxtaposes visuals of Lord Rama, Goddess Sita, and Lord Hanuman with those of Singham (Ajay Devgn), Avni (Kareena Kapoor), and Simmba (Ranveer).
Singham-Lord Ram sequence
The board asked the makers to ‘suitably modify’ another 23-second-long scene of Singham touching the feet of Lord Ram.
Sita-Raavan scene
Rohit Shetty’s team was asked to fully delete a 16-second-long scene showing Raavan grabbing, pulling and pushing Sita to add more drama to the visual.
Lord Hanuman’s Lanka-burning visuals
Another scene, 29-second-long, which has been deleted, involves a reference to Lord Hanuman burning Lanka, and a dialogue showing Simmba flirting.
Arjun Kapoor’s lines modified
The board asked them to make another ‘suitable modification’ and delete Zubair’s (Arjun Kapoor) lines in four places. This includes a dialogue between Zubair and Simmba as well.
Visuals of Constitutional head deleted
In two places, the visuals of the Constitutional head were deleted, and his lines were modified.
Kareena Kapoor’s dialogues modified
In another scene, Avni’s lines were also modified.
Visuals deleted due to India’s diplomatic ties
Citing India’s ‘international diplomatic relations with the neighbouring state’, a 26-second-long dialogue and visuals were deleted and suitably modified.
Violent murder sequence blurred
A scene involving beheading a man inside a police station was blurred.
Colour of religious flag modified
The board asked the makers to suitably modify the colour of the religious flag shown in a scene.
Religious hymn deleted from background score
In the same scene, the makers were asked to delete ‘Shiv Strota’ from the background score.
Dialogue mentioning ‘Raavan’ modified
In one scene, Zubair’s line: “Teri kahaani ka Raavan main hoon, tere chahite ko bhej (I am the Raavan of your story, send your beloved one),” was modified. The colour of the flag was also asked to be modified in the same scene.
Singham Again is scheduled to release on November 1, 2024.