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Avoid this phrase if you want your kids to be good with money newsthirst.

Even before your children understand how money works, they can start picking up on your attitude and feelings about finances, and that can have a lasting impact. But avoiding talking about money with your kids altogether could be even more detrimental to their future financial success.

“Deep down, most people believe that money is a bad thing, that kids need to be shielded from [it],” Ramit Sethi, self-made millionaire and author of the new book, “Money for Couples,” tells CNBC Make It. 

“You don’t shield kids from riding a bike. You don’t shield kids from trying a tomato. So why would you shield them from something that is far more important than either of those examples?” he says.

When you talk about money with your kids, there is a “horrible phrase” Sethi says he would “ban” from households: “We can’t afford it.” Here’s why.

‘Saying no is a good thing’

Help your kids engage with money

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