The No.1 way to raise emotionally intelligent kids newsthirst.

When your child is having a meltdown at the grocery store or refusing to get out of bed for school in the morning, it’s tempting — and understandable — to want to scold them and list off all the reasons why these behaviors are not OK.

But it turns out that talking might not actually be the best approach to course correction, says psychologist Caroline Fleck. Fleck is an adjunct clinical instructor at Stanford University and author of the upcoming book “Validation.”

Instead, she says, more parents should try listening and affirming: “The single greatest thing that we can do as parents is to become more skilled in validation.”

When a child feels heard and not shamed for their feelings, they are more open to changing their behavior.

‘The point is to validate the emotion and then focus on what’s not valid’

Fleck uses this strategy with her own children. For example, instead of chastising her daughter for not wanting to do her chores, Fleck asks her to explain why she got so upset when asked to empty the dishwasher.

“She’ll give me a wildly inaccurate depiction of what went down,” Fleck says. “She describes me as screaming at her and throwing things and really, I asked her to empty the dishwasher”

By listening and affirming that yes, no one wants to do chores, you’re stripping the conversation of judgment. Then, you can move on to telling your child why its necessary to uphold certain responsibilities.

“The point is to validate the emotion and then focus on what’s not valid, which is the behavior [and that’s] what needs to change,” she says.

‘Guilt leads to repair’

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