Actors Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth married in September after a hush-hush engagement in March. Wishing fans on Diwali, the couple posted unseen pictures from their wedding on Instagram, much to everyone’s delight. Mani Ratnam and Kamal Haasan are featured on their tight guest list. (Also Read: Siddharth wishes wifey Aditi Rao Hydari on 38th birthday with cute pictures: ‘My whole life’)
Aditi, Siddharth’s wedding
The couple posted pictures of them dressed in pastel outfits and signing their marriage documents. They also posted pictures of Aditi hugging director Mani, posing for a click with Kamal and her guru, Leela Samson.
Posting the photos, they wrote, “It’s been a blessed, magical year! In a very special part of our Wedding Ceremonies, we received the blessings and love of our father and mother figures, our Gurus and Mentors. To be in the presence of these special people who have not just seen us grow but have been the reason for that growth was life affirming and beyond.”
Thanking the guests, they added, “Thank you to our beloved Mani sir and Hasini Maam, Leela akka, Kamal sir, Ranjini aunty and Manian uncle, Sudha and Jayendra. We are not done yet fam!! There is more magic and love to share before this unforgettable year ends. Until then, Happy Diwali from Mrs and Mr Adu – Siddhu.”
Fans react
Given how close they are to the couple, fans were thrilled to see Mani, Kamal and Leela featured in the photos. One fan even thought the pictures looked right out of a scene of Mani’s film Ok Kanmani, writing, “This is giving OK KANMANI,” with heart emojis. Another fan agreed, “Your marriage = Mani ratnam’s film.” A fan wrote, “Awwww mani sirrrrr and hasini mam is here.” Actor Tamannaah Bhatia commented, “Sooo cute you both are.”
Aditi will soon be seen in a silent film titled Gandhi Talks and an English film titled Lioness. Siddharth will star in the Tamil films Miss You, Test and Indian 3.