India on Saturday (October 26, 2024) said it was deeply concerned over the “evolving escalation” in West Asia and urged all sides to exercise restraint and return to the path of dialogue and diplomacy.
“Our Missions in the region are in contact with the Indian community,” the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said in a statement.
This comes after Israel carried out strikes on military sites in Iran on Saturday (October 26, 2024), further fuelling fears of a full-blown war between the two heavily armed countries.
Concluded Israeli response to Iran’s attacks: IDF Spokesperson
Concluded Israeli response to Iran’s attacks: IDF Spokesperson
| Video Credit:
The Hindu
Israel said the targeted facilities were used to make missiles fired at it, according to reports.
“We are deeply concerned by the evolving escalation in West Asia and its ramifications for peace and stability in the region and beyond,” the MEA said.
“We reiterate our call to all concerned to exercise restraint and return to the path of dialogue and diplomacy. The ongoing hostilities are to nobody’s benefit, even as innocent hostages and civilian populations continue to suffer,” it said.
The West Asia conflict was discussed in “considerable details” during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in New Delhi on Friday (October 25, 2024).
Published – October 26, 2024 08:15 pm IST